Rabu, 28 April 2010

Toothache Invocation

"Someone sighs to take ill on its tooth to an Innocent Medicine
and menyurhnya reads Al Fatihah's chapter and Al Iklash's chapter while touching on sick part and reads Qs An Naml: 88 its mean And you see that mountain, you suspect she is unturned, padahalia walks as the way cloud. (so conduct God who make sturdily each something. most verily God Mighty Know what do you work. That disease will fall calm and misses fire again" or reads al qadr's chapter once. In lainpengobatan's history fills teeth with glues teki (cyperus rontudus) (su's usa' d.) to sick part. 'Wine vinegar (khall al khumr) will strengthen gum. Ambilah is wheat, husk and extract until become oil. if lump tooth and decaying, drop that solution to one sheet of an's cotton glues at sick part up to three nights. That will discontinue pembusukkan. Godwilling. note: cyperus rontudus is types scientific name botanical by the name of local teki (opus botany dictionary Drs Suhono's Kindness). Leafed grass plant little ribbon, its corm can make chips emping, there are many kind as: slow on the update (kyllinga monochephala), sabrang (elueuthering americana).

Doa Sakit Gigi

"Seseorang mengeluhkan sakit pada giginya kepada seorang Tabib Suci dan menyurhnya membaca surah Al-Fatihah dan surah Al-Iklash sambil menyentuh pada bagian yang sakit serta membaca Qs an-naml: 88 artinya
Dan kamu lihat gunung-gunung itu, kamu sangka dia tetap pada tempatnya, padahalia berjalan sebagai jalannya awan. (begitulah perbuatan Allah yang membuat dengan kokoh tiap-tiap sesuatu. sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan.
Penyakit itu akan reda dan tak muncul lagi" atau bacalah surah al-qadr satu kali.

Dalam riwayat lainpengobatan gigi dengan menempelkan teki (cyperus rontudus) (as-su'd) ke bagian yang sakit. 'Cuka anggur (khall al-khumr) akan memperkuat gusi. Ambilah gandum, kupaslah dan ekstraklah hingga menjadi minyak. jika gigi bengkak dan membusuk, teteskan larutan itu ke selembar kapas an tempelkan di bagian yang sakit selama tiga malam. Itu akan menghentikan pembusukkan. Insya Allah.

note: cyperus rontudus nama ilmiah jenis tumbuhan dengan nama lokal teki (kamus botani karya Drs Budi Suhono). Tumbuhan rumput berdaun pita kecil, umbinya dapat dibuat emping, banyak macam seperti: bodoh (kyllinga monochephala), sabrang (elueuthering americana).

Selasa, 13 April 2010

Health and Prayer for Cure

There is a number of things has already been passed on by Prophet Mohammed saw, concerning medical care, meyebutkan is common principle and menasar is health preserve matters. Warning on piggishness constitutes care basic. Up to that suggest fair-sized eating appropriate requirement and body health, its needs rest and afters calm suffer to take ill, abstain from particular victuals, inuring body on rutinintas, memperingatka is pengunaan's danger obatan which unneeded and overshot size properly, describing component and element body nature, and even refers to artificial exhalation, and so on constitute kedokteran umunm's road map and not only applies for person or country or particular epoch. There is too which needs to be noticed is partikular's cases, watch on condition of patient, country climate and its place earth gets residence. Secretory answer of one expert to question a patient, obviously regard aforesaid factors. This constitute problem who we shan'tice, cause all sort climate and musinm at various state charges alone care for patients one particular. E.g., are not correct mengunakan medical care by titrates and quality with divides cold country. Such too contrariwise. Therefore, mark sense severally medical recipe that variably, one that tidk was known by reason it, maybe since it. ulama an's classic our modern have named that thing. History that get bearing about that honey it is salving for all penyakity is right. But its mean is that honey as salving as for every cold disease. Such too rwayat1's history that name cure matter by washes cold water on their behalf strike pileses, namely if that piles is consequent of hot and so on. Syaikh al Mufid is bin's Muhammad bin Nu's Muhammad' am (413 H / 1022 M) say that Cure Is authentic and its believable knowledge and through apocalypse. ulama just takes it of nabai. Are not another way to know disease reality excepts by hear, and no other way to know healing besides with God's help. Thus, road to know that thing is with hears it from Dzat what does know hidden things. Wording Syyidina Ali's Caliph statement sounded usa "Belly is diseased den, abstain from particular food be parented cure, and inures body on what does become habits it. 'Sometimes something which can give benefit to overwritten person diseased given at one area, can kill person at other area that utilizes it because same disease. bergitu also, sometimes something would be convenient for engan's person particular wont, ill suited on their behalf that have other wont. 'Sometimes particular cure unsuitably diseased engan (can be utilized) as peercobaan, while its effect to devout believer person and strong its faith in contrast to person which rans down its confidence. If a believer which mengunakanny, it will get benefit, but is not reverential special quality and its natural character, but since invocation to Dzat healer Mighty, since keimanan, integrity, kesetiannya. As invocation of protection invocation, and application invocation invocation.
It didukungoleh that fact we meet a group person or sincere believer tinakkannya's one and its based medical care berdasakan former histories. They don't consult to doctor and they are healthier and get length age. They place their trust to God and ask for perllindungan of awful term, and of criminological disaster and enemy with sentences al-quran and pray, they lie in the better environment, sejahtera, and optimistik. There is that withdraws from invocation, and maybe will most pass by pertayaan, what means from invocation? what is its bearing with body care?. To it we shall stop momentary by see with its influence on body care. saww's mohammed turned back by its tall science will science man in ati that as extensive as it and profuse beliau studies it via apocalypse from Dzat what does create disease and doctor. Not pelak again Mohammed saww memahammi schizophrenia as it were know phenomena body diseases its external. Rasulullah gives advices for soul recovery from penderitaa its grief as it were teach cure for diseased body. seorng is good doctor is person who that meniagnosis can disease, knowing growth and penyebabbnya and determines cure for its healing. There are many disease which stem of psychological grief, since sadness, since dread, agitation, kesenirian, fear etc. (if so to speak that body or man himself consisting of transitory ala element / build and ruh, most verily which feel pain is ruh self that lies in body, see how ruh already despite build, therefore even build not feels what what). All these regards body. This fact that clear, we that menyetujuinnya will. How come, everyday we experience ujiann and dread causative handicap and tekannan. When is menguat's psychological effect, we will feel its phenomena on body one for example headache, fever, and evoked other diseases of ankerusakkan's stresses nerves. Phenomenas and evoked other diseases of psychological griefs and another causes. Hence, really it is better if we mengunakan psychological approaching and spiritual's medium to end up grief and removes its cause source, shingga is soul most free of that problem, are certain to its business Regulators that have science will all kebaikkan. What do healing iharapakan happens, eventual soul grief blows over and soul perceive capacious. While are soul perceive capacious and restrained, health penetrates sick body part as a result that must You can't disown psychological cure and spiritual and keduannya's influence zoom in healing a lot of mental disease, even endemik's liver spot and disease and reproduction. Just how a lot of prove that it will already we read and engar what does spenuhnya be corrected by modern science. Our lets healing recipe looking ats this. Al-quran noble has aya sentence that ala clearing to declare for that it constitutes healer for peopled devout. It, e.g., ranging Swt's Allah statement "Hi man, most verily was coming to you ari's study your The Infinite
and healer for disease (one that lies) in chest and road map and blessing for peopled devout one" (QS. Yunus: 57). "And We down of Al-quran an one become bidder and blessing for peopled devout one, and Al-quran that is not add kepaa men that zalim besides loss" (QS. al Isra': 82) "and if We make Al-quran that a lingual deep reading besides arabic of course they say' Why don't be worded its sentence?' What (deserving of Al-quran) in strange language be (Apostle is person) Arab? Say, 'Al-quran that is road map and bidder for peopled devout one" (QS. Fushilat: 44). Al-quran also a lot of attach instruction prays and ask for favor, besides glory sentence and hush hush another, one that acknowledged and studied of saw's Mohammed. Tiak there is an even that more knows about, secrets Al-quran and its blessing sources, one that as apocalypse target. Pray that own if most measures up it is subject to be ketentraman and soul calm, but is not mere kerendahanhatian and submission or drubbing in faces reality--as it were untied secar wrongs by some people. On the contrary invocation constitutes effort to look back over reality. Who that within we what do belie it or absolutely haven't experienced even for once in along its life, whereabouts
meras afraid of alround one frightens, asking for protection of all something which is reproached, ask for more a lot of kebaikkan from Dzat what does restrain all something and menharapkan from it exemption various problem that befalls and that hems and safety and calm. One presumably we don't feel soul calm effect of invocation, therefore of course we won't accept and mengunakannya as salving as. Something that strengthens kenyakinan that invocation invocation
munanjat munanjat constitutes penyambuh soul, beside said one Al-quran adalh marks sense surety and baknyak is fact that point
invocation invocation success and munanjat munanjat it. That recovery surety is alone constitute psychological healing, one that make meras's patient very even and anxious besought engan mengunakan's recovery sentence and invocation invocations. Hopefully we can take benefit what do we do in conspectus nurse health and recovery, hereafter invocation invocation and munanjat munanjat will be featured deep inscriptive next. salaam.

Kamis, 08 April 2010


Its key wins' martial' deep gold period. Hearing stroke's word, some people direct appears kepeloan bicara or at least power rigor. Eventually, its unmitigated it is not stroke. That just phenomena rest of stroke's attack. Then what for that matter stroke? Dr is kurniawan SpS's Muhammad words stroke to constitute trouble on veined appearances causative brain its neurologis's phenomena, well that gets global character namely which as decreased as consciousness or phenomena even fokal as immobility. Stroke arises abrupt. Its attack that memberat can even menimbulakan death. "Stroke can happen salama more 24 hours", kurniawan's revealing. Stroke heretofore is still become disease number one death cause at Indonesian. It also perch at takes the cake permanent disablement cause. "WHO'S data shows every 3 second happen 1 stroke's cases an new every minute 6 stroke's effect deceased person", katadokter is this specialist. Sorted by berdasr its type, stroke was divided by ua namely iskemik and hemoragik or adit break racks brains. "One that right usually happens, stroke iskemik who begat by vein gagging racks brains", kurniawan's untangling in hands down KBR'S Clinic 68H, Tuesday 2 / 3 at Jakarta. Who just that gristle strikes stroke? They who have stroke's patient offspring tu a's person or sibling, e.g. more have cautious. So also men which hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes (diabetes), tall cholesterol, smoker, and alcohol drunkard, kurniawan's flat awhile urge society to restrain this jeopardy factor. Gold period Stroke constitutes afferent trouble phenomena. While is its attack comes, person that strikes have subtracted time 4,5 hours for' wins' martial with stroke. "Ininlah is its gold period", kurniawan's supplement. Called by causes gold period get to enlarge opportunity to avoid ddan's disablement death available on 4,5 hour are pasca stroke first. Just just kebanyakkan person just is taken in to afters hospital next several days. "Doctor stroke shall be given while golden period this", kurniawan's speech. That stroke's doctor works as sumbatan's destroyer (trombolisis). Application trombolisis shall also be overtaken by penceggah's doctor application cycles it stroke. "Recognised doctor by the name of antitrombolik this must been consumed lifetime", clear kurniawan. Stroke or not?
Stroke can happen at cleft sort racks brains, sistim is nerve centers. Accordingly, its attack effect really clings to vein next door which that jammed or crack. "stroke memorandakkan can center consciousness, motorik, sensorik, balance, and kognitif", say kurniawan. So a lot of function racks brains to make stroke's phenomena tremendously varies. Stroke can evoke immobility phenomena next door body, seeing trouble, balance, and memory. "baal's phenomena (to asleep) next door trouble body in lingual as a loss to understand talk or understands but that bicara can't". Can also happen face muscle immobility. stroke's appearance on sectioned it marked by askew mouth and bicara pelo effect tongued muscle abasia, "Peneritanya adapula that can't devour since muscle immobility devours", kurniawan's untangling. That phenomena was obviously make positive someone declared for by stroke. Most more, if in advance available health trouble concerning sectioned previous body. "One that typical on stroke is phenomena it bursts upon without there is abnormalities whatever on patient", say alumnus kedokteran's faculty this Indonesia University. Trick what does ordinary be used to early detection? kurniawan names to essay FAST (Face Arm Speech is Test) with essays it looking at if face becomes asymmetric (askew), what available weakness or arm immobility and tungkai and trouble in lingual or speaking one bobs up. "If there is, therefore bewares stroke's attack happening".
Satu penelitian terbaru katakan, itu buah mangga adalah satu pencegahan kuat dan sembuh untuk kanker dada. Laboratori menguji kendali, diungkapkan bahwa buah diisi dengan polyphenols. Polyphenols adalah anti oxidants bahwa adalah binatang pemakan bangkai radikal bebas dan kapal perusak dan meningkatkan kesehatan. Keberhasilan dari polyphenols ini dikaji di derita pasien dari kanker dada. Hasil dari percobaan klinis yang mempertunjukkan bahwa polyphenols showed penting dan akibat diuntungkan yang berpengaruh nyata pada kanker dada. Susanne Talcott dan berhemat dia Steve mengendali percobaan klinis dan investigasi. Manajemen dari kanker dada • Langkah persiapan ke arah manajemen dari kanker dada adalah untuk memahami yang menyebabkan dan faktor risiko dan dengan mantap menghindari mereka. Riwayat sekeluarga dari kanker dada, kesalahan dietary, kegendutan, lemah atau tidak ada aktivitas phisik adalah faktor sokong yang kuat memimpin ke pembangunan dari tumor payudara. • Langkah berikutnya penting, adalah satu dietary dan lifestyle periksa secara seksama. Menghilangkan makanan tertentu dari diet seperti trans berlemak, gemuk hewan, dipenuhi lemak, disuling dan memproses makanan, dan alkohol, punya satu alat pencegah berpengaruh nyata pengaruhi. Juga, sebisa-bisanya, batasi pajananmu ke karsinogen lingkungan menyukai bekas pakai rokok asap, pengotor, dan pestisida. • Tingkatkan masukanmu dari makanan yang tebal yang hara dan dikemasi dengan anti oxidants. Anti oxidants adalah pemburu radikal bebas dan kapal perusak. Mereka menetralkan akibat matikan dari radikal bebas dan menunda pembangunan dari cancer, dengan mencegah kerusakan ke DNA. Waspadai! Pelacakan awal dari payudara carcinoma adalah kunci ke manajemen. Cancer Amerika masyarakat memastikan rekomendasi untuk pelacakan awal dari kanker dada untuk perempuan pada umur kelompok dari 20 ke 39, dan untuk perempuan yang selesai 40 tahun. Oleh: Dr Shweta u Shah Dr Shweta Shah adalah satu pakar gaya hidup dengan penekanan pada obat alternatif dan perlakuan. Inti area dia meliputi homoeopathy, diet, hara, yoga dan acupressure pengobatan. Sebagai satu Penulis Konten Medis dia telah dilibatkan pada beberapa artikel sokong untuk kesehatan dan situs wellness pada basis profesional. Dia juga sokong ke HealthUnlimited, dengan obyektif dari penting hambur dan gaya hidup sehat pasang ujung. Untuk perincian lagi mengunjungi zerodisease.blogspot.com

Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Vitamin D Mungkin Mencegah Kanker Payu ara

Ada dua laporan baru oleh spesialis pencegahan cancer di Cancer Pusat Moores, univsrsity dari California, sarankan vitamin itu D di resep obat lagi mungkin mencegah sampai satu-setengah dari semua kasus dari kanker dada. Pembahasan diterbitkan online pada emisi saat ini dari Jurnal dari Biokimia Steroid dan Biologi Molekular. Ini menyatukan data dari dua pembahasan lebih awal oleh Harvard Merawat Pembahasan Kesehatan dan Rumah Sakitnya St. George Mempelajari bahwa tertuduh orang-orang itu dengan taraf paling tinggi dari 25 - hydroxyvitamin D, 25 (OH)D, punya singgung paling rendah dari kanker dada. Penelitian adalah berlandaskan 1,760 kasus individu di kedua-duanya pembahasan dan terbelah mereka ke dalam lima group sama, dari paling rendah 25 (OH)D di kurang dari 13 nanograms per mililiter, ke group paling tinggi dengan 52 nanograms per mililiter. "Data adalah sangat jelas, memperlihatkan individu itu pada group dengan darah paling rendah meningkat mempunyai kecepatan-angka paling tinggi dari kanker dada, dan kecepatan-angka kanker dada dijatuhkan sebagai taraf darah dari 25 - hydroxyvitamin D meningkat," mengatakan pembahasan co mengarang Cedric Kalungkan, Dr.P.H. "Taraf serum menghubungkan dengan satu 50 pengurangan persen di risiko dapat dipelihara oleh pengambilan 2,000 unit internasional dari vitamin D3 harian tambahan, ketika permisi cuaca, membelanjakan 10 ke 15 menit satu hari di bawah sinar matahari." Bagaimanapun, perempuan diperingatkan tidak untuk kehabisan dan mengawali melengkapi diet mereka. Di sana mungkin faktor lain yang dilewatkan di pembahasan ini. Sementara laporan adalah sah, dan padat penelitian, mereka hanya mewakili 1,760 orang-orang keluar populasi seluruh. "Analisa Meta adalah satu alat penting untuk kecenderungan ungkap itu tidak boleh menjadi nyata di pembahasan tunggal," mengatakan co mengarang Sharif B. Mohr, M.P.H. "Menyatukan dari independen kecuali pembahasan serupa meningkat ketepatan, dan oleh karenanya taraf kepercayaan dari penemuan." Pengarang merekomendasikan penelitian selanjutnya untuk mempelajari individu untuk akibat dari vitamin D dari cahaya matahari, diet dan pelengkap pada risiko dari cancer. Data tanggapan dosis pada 1,448 orang-orang pada pembahasan diletakkan ke dalam order oleh serum 25 (OH)D. bertingkat kemudian membagi ke dalam lima group sama, dari darah paling rendah meningkat ke paling tinggi. Co mengarang Edward D. Gorham, Ph. D. disebutkan: "Kita memproyeksikan satu pengurangan dua pertiga di singgung dengan taraf serum dari 46ng / ml, yang sesuai dengan satu masukan harian dari 2,000 IU dari D3 vitamin. Ini akan terbaik mencapai dengan satu kombinasi diet, pelengkap dan 10 ke 15 menit per hari di bawah sinar matahari."
Vitamin D3 ada tersedia melalui diet, pelengkap dan pajanan ke cahaya matahari, atau ultra lembayung b (UVB) sepanjang kulit tidak menyamak kulit atau membakar. Pada satu perempuan putih, ini hanya akan mengambil 10 menit di noontime pada satu hari bersih, dengan 50 per picis menguliti pajanan, untuk menyerap vitamin cukup D. kulit Lebih Gelap akan memerlukan sampai 25 menit. Ini penting untuk memakan satu diet pendudu. Vitamin d. dihubungkan ke batas serapan Kalsium, sehingga overdosing pada satu akan membuang seimbang dan mungkin menghasilkan pada satu berupa sumber-sumbber alam dari vitamin sesuatu. Laporan berlanjut dan mengukur Vitamin d. kemampuan untuk mencegah cancer colorectal dan hasil serupa tunjangan. Pengilang saran Ethan pada emisi kesehatan dari situsnya http://www. lasikpower. com. Dia mengundang kamu untuk mendapat keterangan kesehatannya GRATIS memandu sini com di http://www. cosmeticsurgerystar. com